How do our international services work?
Quite easily, actually. Black Bag services clients in the UK and the Cayman Islands. We love staying up late, so time zones are never a challenge for us! We provide graphic design, website development, digital marketing and marketing strategy services to our clients abroad. A Skype chat on the odd occasion, a few e-mails here and there and we deliver excellent, affordable and quick turn-around work! Our international clients just love our rates! We quote in South African Rand… need we say more?
Black Bag knows no limits when it comes to delivering excellent design and website development, on time, irrelevant of where our clients are based. Are you looking for an affordable, reputable graphic design and website development company? Contact us today!
Here’s a review from one of our clients, based in the UK:
“So, as a new client of Black Bag, I have to say I’m a bit blown away… In mid-project, I threw a few curve balls their way (did I mention that said curve balls relate to a completely different project?), and not only did they smile and wink, but they delivered everything back to me, within hours.
Very impressed with the BBC massive. Well done, guys – it’s a pleasure dealing with you!” (P. Meiring, UK)